Chief Statiscian of Kalimantan Timur Province appointed a Supervisory Officer - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Chief Statiscian of Kalimantan Timur Province appointed a Supervisory Officer

Chief Statiscian of Kalimantan Timur Province appointed a Supervisory Officer

May 3, 2021 | Other Activities

Samarinda- Located on the 3rd Floor of the Sigma Room - Kalimantan Timur BPS Building, the Head of the Kalimantan Timur BPS Province appointed an official to fill the position of supervisor or echelon IV in the BPS of East Kutai Regency. The inauguration took place solemnly and continued to apply health protocols.


In his speech, the Head of BPS for Kalimantan Timur Province, Anggoro Dwithjahyono, said “Congratulations to  Norhaini for her inauguration as Head of the General Sub-Division at the Central Statistics Agency of  Kutai Kartanegara Regency.


"The inauguration in this position is a form of mandate from all elements of leadership, based on an assessment of the potential and performance that has been shown so far in carrying out various official duties", he said.


It should be noted that the Head of the General Sub-Division is the only structural official in the district BPS after the Head of the office. The Head of the General Sub-Division is also the part in charge of the implementation of an orderly, careful and neat administration, in accordance with correct governance as part of accountability in the implementation of official activities and budget management.


"Congratulations to those inaugurated, congratulations on carrying out the trust that has been given by the leadership of BPS to make it a mandate that must be accountable to the Organization and Allah SWT, God Almighty", he concluded.

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