Working Visit of the Department of Communication and Information Statistics Coding, Mahakam Ulu Rege - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Working Visit of the Department of Communication and Information Statistics Coding, Mahakam Ulu Rege

Working Visit of the Department of Communication and Information Statistics Coding, Mahakam Ulu Rege

June 9, 2022 | Other Activities

Samarinda- BPS of East Kalimantan Province received a Working Visit (Kunker) of the Office of Communication and Information Statistics Coding, Mahakam Ulu Regency in the context of Coordination on Increasing Sector Statistics of Human Resources and Technical Guidance of the Statistical Data Compilation Team.

The Head of BPS in his speech said that BPS as a data supervisor is very supportive in whatever is planned to implement One Data Indonesia.

"Although the Mahakam Ulu Regency BPS Office does not yet exist in Mahakam Ulu Regency, it is hoped that the implementation of One Indonesia Data will continue to run well," said Yusniar Juliana.

This activity was followed by a discussion discussing the plan for the One Data Indonesia activity to be held in the form of Socialization and Technical Guidance.
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