Appointment of Functional Officer - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Appointment of Functional Officer

Appointment of Functional Officer

March 28, 2024 | Other Activities

On Thursday, March 28 2024, the Head of BPS Kalimantan Timur Province carried out the inauguration and took the oath of functional positions: Statistician, Computer Administrator and Archivist within BPS Kalimantan Timur Province. The event was held in a hybrid manner, namely taking place in the Sigma Room of BPS Kalimantan Timur Province and attended online by invitations from BPS of Regency/Municipality. We wish all newly appointed statisticians congratulations and continued success. Hopefully they will always be trustworthy in carrying out their duties and can bring positive things to their respective work environments.

#Inauguration of #BPSKaltim
#LoveData #StatisticsPeople
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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