Supervision of Agricultural Economy Survey (SEP) 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Supervision of Agricultural Economy Survey (SEP) 2024

Supervision of Agricultural Economy Survey (SEP) 2024

June 24, 2024 | BPS Activities

Last Wednesday (12/6), BPS Kalimantan Timur Province received a visit from Plt. BPS Main Inspector, Mr. Akhmad Jaelani, in the context of supervising the 2024 Agricultural Economic Survey (SEP) activities. Upon arrival in Samarinda, Plt. The BPS Main Inspector went straight to the Kalimantan Timur Province BPS office and held a dialogue with all employees of BPS Kalimantan Timur Province and BPS Samarinda Municipalities.

The next day, Plt. BPS Main Inspector supervises SEP 2024 in Samarinda. Supervision was carried out by accompanying the data collector (surveyor) interviews the respondents. Supervision was provided to two respondents in Samarinda Municipality. Supervision continued by assisting the surveyor interviews another one respondent in Samboja, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. During supervision, The BPS Main Inspector provides evaluations and suggestions to surveyor to maintain the quality of the collected data from this survey.

By the way, are you part of the SEP 2024 sample? If so, please wellcome our surveyor and give your truthful answer, okay? Come on, help BPS to serve the highest quality data!

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#SEP #AgriculturalEconomicSurvey #ST2023
#Agriculture #FoodCrops #Horticulture #Plantation
#Livestock #Forestry #Fisheries #AgriculturalServices
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