Statistics of the Kalimantan Timur Cinema 1992 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Statistics of the Kalimantan Timur Cinema 1992

Catalog Number : 8402001.64
Publication Number : 64.541.9308
ISSN/ISBN : 979.479.1008
Release Date : August 2, 1993
File Size : 23.32 MB


The book "Statistics of Kalimantan Timur Cinema in 1992" is a continuation of the publication of previous years which was successfully compiled by the Kalimantan Timur Provincial Statistics Office. The types of data presented in this book include the number of theaters, cinema seating, shows, playing days, audiences, cinema revenues, and so on. One of the benefits of the publication of this book is to monitor the development of film entertainment activities in the Kalimantan Timur area, so that it can be seen to what extent the types of cinema entertainment are enjoyed by the public, which types and types of films are the most popular, and so on. Thus, this Cinema Statistics book will be very useful for the formulation of government policies, especially in the field of culture.
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