Kalimantan Timur National Socio-Economic Survey (KOR) 2001 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Kalimantan Timur National Socio-Economic Survey (KOR) 2001

Catalog Number : 3101008.64
Publication Number : 
Release Date : December 31, 2001
File Size : 26.04 MB


The publication of the 2001 Kalimantan Timur National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) is the ninth publication that was successfully compiled by BPS-Statistics of Kalimantan Timur Province based on the provisional results of the 2001 Susenas which was carried out in February-March 2001. Like the publication of the previous survey results, the Central BPS and all BPS officials in the regions strive for the speed of reporting survey results in accordance with the demands of data users. The Susenas data presented in this book is a type of basic data (KOR) which includes socioeconomic and population characteristics. Meanwhile, the target data (Module) in the form of a Housing Module cannot be presented because it is still in the processing level at the Central BPS.
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