Gross Regional Domestic Product of Kalimantan Timur by Expenditure 2000-2004 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Gross Regional Domestic Product of Kalimantan Timur by Expenditure 2000-2004

Catalog Number : 9302004.64
Publication Number : 64.550.05.02
ISSN/ISBN : 979.479.975.0
Release Date : October 3, 2005
File Size : 13.61 MB


Kalimantan's Timur Gross Regional Domestic Product Book by Usage 2000-2004, is a pair of East Kalimantan's Gross Regional Domestic Product According to the Business Field, which is published regularly every year. In this publication, the PDRB figures presented have used the 2000 base year as a replacement for the 1993 base year which is considered no longer relevant to current changes in economic conditions. If in the PDRBpublication according to the Business Field it is obtained a picture of the economic structure, the rate of economic growth, inflation rate and so on, then the publication of the PDRBaccording to Usage is obtained a description of regional domestic products which are spelled out in the expenditure components. These components are Household Consumption, Consumption of Private Institutions that are not Looking for Profit (Non-Profit), Government Consumption, Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation, Stock Changes, as well as Export and Import components.
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