Publication of Poor Households Per Villagein East Kalimantan 2006 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Publication of Poor Households Per Villagein East Kalimantan 2006

Catalog Number : 3205006.64
Publication Number : 64000.0805
Release Date : May 1, 2008
File Size : 17.17 MB


Socio-Economic Data Population is motivated by a strong awareness from the government that to formulate poverty reduction strategies and programs, data and information are needed that can capture the reality of poverty experienced by the community up to the smallest level of the village.Data presented in this publication include: the number of Poor Households (RTM) according to the classification of almost poor, poor, and very poor per village / kelurahan. The data collection activity began in mid-August 2005, followed by the processing of revenue bills which ended in mid-September 2005 to the implementation of a public test and presentation of final data that ended in mid-2006.
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