Large and Medium Manufacturer Statistics of Kalimantan Timur Province 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Large and Medium Manufacturer Statistics of Kalimantan Timur Province 2015

Catalog Number : 6103019.64
Publication Number : 64530.1704
Release Date : September 26, 2017
File Size : 7.73 MB


The publication of Industrial Statistics in 2015 is an annual publication as previously published on the manufacturing sector. The data presented in this publication includes data on large-scale and medium-sized processing industries in 2015. The types of data presented include: number of companies, number of workers, expenditures for workers, electricity, fuel used, input costs, output values, values add, and buy and sell fixed capital goods. This publication has used the 2009 Indonesian Standard Business Classification (KBLI) in line with International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Rev 4. By using KBLI 2009 mold III, the large-scale processing industry is currently classified into 442 KBLI 5 digit. It is expected that the publication of the results of the annual survey of large and medium-sized industrial companies can more complete information about the manufacturing industry.
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