Social Economic Conditions and Important Indicators of Kalimantan Timur Province Quarter IV 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Social Economic Conditions and Important Indicators of Kalimantan Timur Province Quarter IV 2017

Catalog Number : 3101023.64
Publication Number : 64560.1801
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-6263-29-2
Release Date : February 6, 2018
File Size : 3.88 MB


Publications "Social Economic Conditions and Important Indicator of Kalimantan Timur Province Quarter IV 2017" is intended to furnish materials policy formulation and evaluation of the progress made in social and in the economic field. Presentation is done on a quarterly basis the information obtained on a monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual reports such as: inflation, export / import, economic growth, unemployment, production forecast figures and so forth. Besides, it also comes with a variety of other important information that the data obtained from the various parties. The indicators presented in this publication is very useful for those who are competent as Regional Head and his staff, Legislative, and academia.
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