Population Projection of Regency/Municipality Kalimantan Timur Province 2020-2035, Result of Population Census 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Population Projection of Regency/Municipality Kalimantan Timur Province 2020-2035, Result of Population Census 2020

Catalog Number : 2101041.64
Publication Number : 64000.2320
Release Date : July 14, 2023
File Size : 11.07 MB


The government has established the 2005–2025 National Long Term Development Plan or Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional (RPJPN) and the 2020–2024 National Medium Term Development Plan or Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN), and is currently preparing for the 2025–2045 RPJPN and 2025–2029 RPJMN. The planning document is the government's guide in carrying out national development. The development plan must be equipped with the latest population data and information as well as future forecasts as a basis for evaluating ongoing development and determining future development policies. In addition to the population, information on demographic parameters such as the age structure of the population, birth rate, death rate, and life expectancy at birth are very helpful for accurate development planning. This information can be calculated through population projections.
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