Strengthening the Implementation of the 2023 Agricultural Census (Learning with Farmers) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Strengthening the Implementation of the 2023 Agricultural Census (Learning with Farmers)

Strengthening the Implementation of the 2023 Agricultural Census (Learning with Farmers)

May 11, 2023 | Other Activities

The ST2023 team visited Lempake Village, North Samarinda District to meet with the Mutiara Jaya Women's Farmers Group (KWT). This visit was carried out in the context of Socialization and Strengthening
Implementation of ST2023 through Learning with Farmers activities. Activity starting with providing a short socialization followed by simulation ST2023 data collection.

The ST2023 data collection simulation was carried out to obtain field problems, to find solutions, and delivered during ST2023 officer training.

Recording Indonesian Agriculture for Food Sovereignty and Farmer Welfare.
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