Finally, the Medium Large Industry Survey (IBS) Briefing is Back! - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Finally, the Medium Large Industry Survey (IBS) Briefing is Back!

Finally, the Medium Large Industry Survey (IBS) Briefing is Back!

February 1, 2024 | BPS Activities

Samarinda (01/2) – The event of Medium Large Industry Survey (IBS) Briefing began with an opening by the Director of Industrial Statistics (DSI) BPS-Statistics, Ir. Dody Herlando, S.S, M. Econ, who conveyed the importance of the Monthly IBS Survey on GDP and GRDP, especially the processing industry sector in producing a monthly production index, which is shown by the growth rate of large and medium manufacturing industries. Even though this year was affected by the Automatic Adjustment, the IBS survey was still carried out using Computer Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) and Electronic Drop Off Pick Up (E-DOPU) data collection modes.

It was also emphasized that starting in 2024, the release of GRDP at the provincial BPS level will be carried out jointly, in collaboration with the Governor or Regional Secretary of the local Province. This requires all elements in BPS to always prioritize improving data quality.

The event continued with the delivery of material by the Head of the BPS-Statistics IBS Team, who was Sagap Aliktipo, SE, M.Si, who conveyed the transformation process of collecting IBS survey data using CAWI and E-DOPU. Several advantages of this data collection method were also mentioned, which was that it did not require many field officers and could streamline data collection time, so it is hoped that data can be obtained on time.

Even though in the trial there were still many industrial sector companies/enterprises as respondents who were still not used to it, with the briefing that was carried out, it was hoped that all production team heads/members who were responsible for industrial activities at both provincial and district/city levels would help socialize the matter. to companies/businesses in the industrial sector as respondents.

Furthermore, the CAWI and E-DOPU technical material session briefing was carried out by the BPS-Statistics IBS Team. Some of the things conveyed included an updated questionnaire with additional questions, an increase in the number of samples compared to the previous year, adjustments to data collection methods and monitoring procedures either via the application (FASIH) or via the web entry page. The next material was presented by the BPS Statistical Information Systems (SIS) Directorate Team, which contained procedures for managing FASIH and IBS web entry, including practices for using them.

By holding this briefing activity, it is hoped that it will be able to produce quality IBS data and all stakeholders can be involved to make it a success.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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