Internalization of SPIP - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Internalization of SPIP

Internalization of SPIP

March 20, 2024 | Other Activities

On Tuesday (19/3), BPS East Kalimantan Province employees attended the internalization of the Government Internal Control System or SPIP. In the meeting led by the Head of the General Section of BPS East Kalimantan Province, various things related to SPIP were explained such as understanding, legal basis, objectives, and SPIP maturity assessment.

With the implementation of this internalization, it is expected that BPS East Kalimantan Province can realize organizational goals through 4 SPIP objectives, namely:

1. Effectiveness and Efficiency

2. Reliable financial statements

3. Safeguarding state assets

4. Compliance with laws and regulations

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