ECONOMIC GROWTH OF KALIMANTAN TIMUR IV QUARTER IV 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Timur Province

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Release Date : February 5, 2014
File Size : 0.75 MB


  • The economy of Kalimantan Timur  based on the amount of GRDP at current prices in Quarter IV / 2013 reached Rp 107.8 trillion (with oil and gas) or Rp 72.6 trillion (without oil and gas). Whereas PDRB based on constant 2000 prices reached Rp. 30.8 trillion (with oil and gas) or Rp. 22.4 trillion (without oil and gas).
  • Kalimantan Timur economics in Quarter IV / 2013 compared to Quarter III / 2013 (q-to-q) grew by a positive 1.19 percent, after experiencing a negative contraction of 0.07 percent in the previous quarter. Whereas per quarter IV / 2013 compared to the same quarter of the previous year (y-on-y) also grew positively 1.69 percent, but not as fast as the growth of Quarter IV / 2012 which amounted to 1.99 percent.
  • Based on a review of the performance of the GRDP by business sector (q-to-q) in Quarter IV / 2013, the pace of economic growth in Kalimantan Timur was driven more by the performance of dominant sectors, such as the Mining and Quarrying sector which rose 0.75 percent as a result of the increased performance of the subsector Mining without Oil and Gas / Coal (1.99 percent), followed by the Manufacturing Industry sector also experienced an increase to 1.24 percent which was influenced by the increased performance of the oil and gas industry (0.45 percent) as well as the oil and gas industry (3.39 percent). In contrast, the only sector that experienced a contraction in this quarter was the Agriculture sector which declined by negative 1.04 percent as a result of the declining performance of the Food Crops subsector by negative 9.29 percent.
  • In terms of usage, the export component experienced an increase of 0.70 percent in Quarter I V / 2013. And if calculated the trade balance in Kalimantan Timur in the IV Quarter 2013 experienced a surplus of Rp 63.1 trillion. Specifically for Government Consumption Expenditures in Quarter IV / 2013 grew 6.80 percent, which was influenced by the increase (absorption) of the government budget at the end of 2013.
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